Ohio EPA’s Division of Drinking and Ground Waters is launching a new program, using the slogan, “Save a Dime. Sample on Time!” The program aims to reduce total coliform and nitrate monitoring violations by public water systems. Beginning January 1st, 2014, any public water systems in violation of their monitoring requirements will face penalties of $150, or more, for each violation. Violations can occur when results are reported late in the EPA eDWR, and when public water systems do not collect samples within the required monitoring periods.
Providing Alloway with all of the information necessary for reporting ensures that your results are entered in a timely fashion and fines are avoided. Below is a list of important information to include when submitting your samples:
- The PWS ID Number and PWS name
- The EPA designated sample location identification
- If the sample is for compliance reporting
- If the microbiological sample is routine, or a repeat. And if it is a repeat, include the original sample number.
Making sure that the chain of custody and sample submission report forms are filled out completely is the best way to ensure a smooth reporting process.
Alloway offers both sample submission report forms and chain of custodies in PDF format on our website. These forms allow you to fill out the information by typing in each of the fields and then print the documents from your personal computer. You can also save the documents to your computer for future reference. To access these forms from Alloway’s homepage, click on the sampling and analysis tab, followed by the drinking water sub-tab. On the right-hand side are several documents that can be downloaded, including the sample submission report form and chain of custody.
Ultimately, the Ohio EPA hopes that this new program will further guarantee the quality of water being delivered to the public. For more information on the “Save a Dime. Sample on Time!” program, check out the Ohio EPA's announcement.